A vibrant exhibition featuring a range of new work to the gallery.Featuring new work by Bec Juniper, Neil Taylor, Eleanor Millard, Kerry McInnis, Nick Hall, Dagmar Cyrulla, Min-Woo Bang, Sai-Wai Foo, Nigel Sense, Mark Hislop, Genevieve Carroll, Deborah Kelly, Emma Hack and Melinda Schawel.


Hislop_Phototrope 2_acrylic on canvas_ 167 x 137cm
Carroll_The wattle wanted to return on Sunday - Oil on canvas - 102 x 102cm_master
Carroll_Starry blue Night - Oil on canvas - 102 x 102cm_master
Millard_The_Sand_Dunes_76x101cm_acrylic on paper_master
Eleanor Millard_Still Moored_acrylic on paper_53 x 55cm_0
Taylor After Fire acrylic on canvas 40 x 40cm
Taylor_Stars III - Burramoko_acrylic on canvas_80 x 80cm
Sense_this box it looks boring_acrylic on canvas_140x120_master
Sense_take take no_acrylic on canvas_100x120_master
Hislop-Phototrope 3-acrylic on canvas-167 x 137cm-Email
MinWooBang_Untitled_100x100cm_oil on linen
I Am_Drawing pastel 2.15 x 1.8cm framed_0